Thanks to texto-plano for giving a space here.
In the [ entrance ] you can find an idea of the philosophy behind this space. If you want, you can write/read my guestbook.
In the [ living room ] you can see a little more of my daily life. Sometimes it's tidy, sometimes it's in chaos. Sometimes I have people visiting over, and sometimes I'm on my own. It changes constantly.
In the [ kitchen ] you can see what I usually cook, recipes and related tips. There are some things hanging in the fridge door.
In the [ balcony ] you can see the scenery near the house.
In my [ room ] I have more personal things.
There's a little [ box ] of random stuff, some I already forgot. Maybe there's something you can use.
If you need to, you can use the [ bathroom ]. Don't forget to flush.
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También puedes explorar mi casa en [ español ] ; Você também pode explorar minha casa em [ português ]